The big 4-0

100_2299I’m not there yet, I just turned 39 in May, but that big birthday is looming. It’s funny how certain numbers can freak us out. I remember 25, in particular was difficult for me. I’d had everything planned out that I would meet my would-be husband in college and I’d be married by 24. Yeah, that didn’t happen and when that 25th birthday rolled around, I was in a funk. Silly when you think about it now, but then it was difficult. In any case, with that big 4-0 looming I’m doing what most people (women? do you think men do it too?) do before a “big” birthday, I’m planning all the ways I want things to be different. You know like before 40 I’ll be the new and improved Robyn.

Come on, I know y’all do that too. So here’s my list.

Spiritual – I want to be better about making my spiritual life more integrated into my daily life and not just a church day thing.

scale_upload-lHealth – this is probably the biggest for me and well the same damn thing I was struggling with at 29 before that big 3-0 birthday. (oops, but in my defense I got married when I was 30 and then, well, fertility treatments made me gain all the weight I’d lost in that 29th year…let’s pretend I’m not still carrying that 60+ lb gain around today, ten years later!) It’s not just about the weight though. I’m an inconsistent exerciser. Always have been. Once I find something I like I can stick with it for a while, but if something changes to shift that around, I have a hard time getting back on track. I’m currently in one of the “find something I like to stick with” phase. I need to just get up on my treadmill and get it over with. Also, in this category is my family’s health – I’m responsible for feeding most of the people in my family so it’s up to me to make sure I plan and make healthy meals. I’ve gotten lazy with that the past two years and I need to get back to my meals planning and cooking, it just works better for all of us.

Personal – I’m frump girl. Remember that from My Big Fat Greek Wedding? I love that movie! But man, I could so relate to her when she said that. Being a work-at-home mom means I don’t have to really fix myself up much. I mean I get dressed (most days) and even put on shoes and brush my teeth, but my hair ends up in a wad on top of my head and make-up only gets put on if we’re heading to church or I’m going to a writer function. I don’t even really fix myself up most of the time on the rare occasions The Professor and I have a date. Often because it’s a last minute – my mom offers to watch the girls so we can go see a movie kind of thing. But I would like to make a bit more of an effort with myself, try to look my best or at least look groomed.

Parenting – I think this will probably be an ongoing to-do for me, for all of us, I’d wager. Most parents (the non meth-making in the bathtub variety) strive to be better. We want to be gentler, kinder, more nurturing. I want those things. I think most of the time I do an okay job, but lots of times I could do better. It’s those moments, I want fewer of. I know I’ll never be perfect at it, but I’ll know I’m successful if my girls feel about me the way I do about my own mom.

100_0282The lazy factor – okay I don’t know if it’s just laziness or if there’s more to it, but damn somedays I just don’t even want to get up off hte couch. Granted I sit for my job so there’s that. I’m used to sitting. I like sitting. And some days dealing with the girls is enough to make me want to just get horizontal. But its those days that become a problem – I don’t exercise, I don’t do dishes, I don’t cook, I’m so wrapped up in how exhausted (and stressed) I am that I just sit and let life zoom past me all the while my house is falling apart around me and laundry is eating the bedrooms. Okay that’s a slight exaggeration, but I’m sure you know what I mean. I hope you do, at least, otherwise, I’m a slug and I just admitted that to all of you.

So there you go, my would-be, personal to-do list before I turn 40. Do you make such lists before your birthdays? 

And I have to do a little self-promo because I have a new book out. So let’s all look at the pretty cover together and we can ooh and ahh. You can go here to find out more about the book.


8 thoughts on “The big 4-0

  1. I made a similar list for my 35th birthday. I think it’s good to set goals, especially with accountability. I am making strides (though small), but at least it’s something. You can do it too!


  2. I just turned 40 in May. It wasn’t the hard one for me, 30 was. I can definitely relate to the stay on the couch all day. I’m a stay at home mom of 4. Some days I’m so stressed and exhausted I just want to nap all day while they are at school. Laundry in my house is never ending I swear sometimes it seems as though it multiplies as I’m doing it. I have met some of the goals I set for myself, I do volunteer work for the schools. I did mentoring for awhile in reading and math now I work with the marching band at the high school my daughter attends. Exercise is the one thing I just can’t seem to get into though, and the makeup and hair fixing. I just don’t feel as if I have the time for that so up the hair goes.


  3. The doctors don’t tell you the hormones in the fertility treatments permanently muck up your metabolism. You now HAVE to change both your diet & exercise to avoid future health issues. Take it from the woman staring at a higher number in abject horror. And I didn’t even get a baby after years of ’em. Sigh. Yeah, I make lists. I just try not to link them to birthdays anymore or I’ll run screaming into the night!


  4. I don’t make lists before birthdays–strange because I make lists for everything else. I don’t mind exercising because I do it with friends and my sister. I actually get to catch up on what’s going on with everyone. I do mind dieting. My sister is getting married in November, and I’d like to lose a few pounds before I have to wear that bridesmaid dress. That’s the tough thing for me. It’s EXHAUSTING watching what I eat and not eating what I want. Maybe that’s easy for some people, but when I’m tired, it’s the last thing I want to think about. The bad thing about 39, 40+ is it really has slowed my metabolism. I used to exercise and not diet. Now I have to do both.


  5. I don’t make real lists, but I do have some mental lists. Like April, I am a stay at home mom to four kids, mine are all boys and three with special needs and my house is a disaster. It’s a tiring job taking care of my boys and add to that I have had a couple major health issues in the last two years and some of those are still not resolved. I am on daily meds that leave me exhausted and that have contributed to a 30 pound weight gain in two years. I am just happy to make it through the day without literally passing out.

    My biggest goal would be to lose some of this extra weight, but, I cannot find the energy to even attempt it. Eating is not a problem for me, so it would have to be exercise if I want to see any results, but it’s been two years since I have been able to do anything remotely like exercise.

    My other big goal is to do things just for me. For 12 years my life has been about my boys and I kind of lost myself in that. I am trying to come out of my shell and rediscover my dreams from the past and maybe pursue one or two of those.


  6. I used to write down goals and lists for self-improvement, but I stopped because I would get depressed when I would not reach the goals (sorry for the typos, got a migraine–third day in a row…ugh). I even stopped reading self-improvement books. That was actuaallly due to the fact that my hubby was always giving me self-improvement books and cd’s for my birthday and holidays, etc, but he himself would never read them or heed any of the advice. (I guess I started to take it personally that I was always in need of improvement to him…)
    I’m all for improvement, but I think that we all need to be realistic with our goals. For myself, it’s important to take baby steps. At the beginning of this year I was over 100 lbs overweight; but walking the dog every day and cutting out some small things, I lost almost 30 of those pounds (my goal for this year was 25, so I’m ahead of schedule).
    Robyn, good luck with your list and working toward your goals! Know that we are all cheering for ya!


  7. Congrats on the release! But nope I don’t have a list of to-dos before a huge birthday besides planning a celebrations of what to do and how, where, when, and who to attend.I’m surprised you wanted to marry at 24! I’m right 24 now and well…my life hasn’t started… ;( But I suppose our generations are different during our 24 year. But wishing you luck with your goals! You can do it! 😀


  8. Happy 40! They say it’s the new 30. And, hearty congratulations on your book. As to lists, I stopped making to-do’s and now I make lists on what I’m going to say NO to. Saying NO allows you to say YES to more things that matter. I actually wrote about this the other day:

    Let’s talk about this weight thing. I’ve been there, done that and could write the book, Ah, maybe I am 🙂 Please please please. Don’t dreadmill. The open road is too beautiful to miss. Another post from last month:

    And to my last point re numbers. They are a measure, but it’s all about what’s on the inside and radiates on the outside. You go girl. Sassy 40 is all yours. Embrace it, you have a lot to be proud of!



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